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With global perspective, we can help you to realize your financial strategy and projects in whichever markets you do business.

Publications and resources
International guide to changes in insolvency law
In response to the COVID-19 outbreak, a number of insolvency laws have been updated. Our guidance outlines what this means to businesses in 17 countries across the globe.
Project Simulator
An interactive training tool to help businesses develop high-quality, sustainable infrastructure by replicating real incidences of risk and project distress in a risk-free learning environment.
Digital Transformation in Financial Services white paper
The contemporary digital transformation and FinTech landscape
The European Acquisition Finance Debt Report
Survey results from European acquisition finance debt market participants
Blockchain and Digital Assets News and Trends
Articles on blockchain, smart contracts and digital assets.
Coronavirus Resource Center
Our global repository of Insights, Events and Contacts to deliver our proven guidance and direction during these difficult times.
DLA Piper Intelligence
Knowledge sites that answer legal questions from our clients around the globe
International guide to changes in insolvency law
In response to the COVID-19 outbreak, a number of insolvency laws have been updated. Our guidance outlines what this means to businesses in 17 countries across the globe.
Project Simulator
An interactive training tool to help businesses develop high-quality, sustainable infrastructure by replicating real incidences of risk and project distress in a risk-free learning environment.